Executive search en ontwikkeling
For over 20 years, we have been guiding the search for executives, directors, non-exec members, and other key positions. We do this in various sectors, such as Energy, Media, VCs and investment vehicles, Industry, Financial and Business Services, ICT, and the public sector like Healthcare. We work where change and leadership development make the crucial difference.
We are meticulous in finding the right match
We work diligently by primarily testing the candidate’s fit within the context of the organization and the team they will join. Additionally, we assess them based on the assignment to be fulfilled.
This means that we do not only focus on identifying candidates for an acceptable longlist – however important that may be – but we also devote considerable attention to testing candidates for suitability and fit within the context in which they will operate and the assignment they will undertake.
Meticulousness Which candidates are suitable for the context of the assignment?